Dust caps / Caps for clutch/brake receiver bleed screws
More and more of you are tinkering with your machines, when technically it's still possible to do so without going to a professional.
Even so, you often need special tools to avoid getting stuck for hours on an operation that would normally take a few minutes.
To simplify your maintenance and repair operations, AVDB offers you a range of small, practical tools, whether for draining your forks, bleeding your brake fluid or disassembling/reassembling your clutch cover, etc.
You'll have no more excuses for not going to the family dinner at Mother-in-Law's just because your oil change is taking longer than expected!
Bleeding the brake or clutch system is always a sensitive moment when it comes to servicing our two-wheelers.
Carrying out this task correctly will ensure an efficient clutch and, above all, safe braking! With the corrosive nature of liquids, bleed screw caps are often put to the test and end up falling apart. But they have an important role to play in preventing splashing and other brake pad dust from clogging them.
With these little covers, the hassle is over. We offer you a spare part that will give a second life to your bleed screw protectors.