Sport Touring Universal bolt kit :
We've all run out of screws and bolts on our machines.
Either following the purchase of a vehicle from an apprentice mechanic who lost a handful of screws every time it was dismantled or reassembled, or because of a screw that decided to change its tune, or on the contrary, a screw that absolutely wanted to stay and that you had to drill to get it out.
In short, there are many reasons for this, and it's always good to have a bit of hardware to hand. And losing a side fairing or a mirror in the middle of a ride with your mates is no fun.
We therefore offer a wide range of universal bolt kits for road machines. These kits can be used from one machine to another, whatever the brand.
Made up of various components: screws, washers, nuts, pins or clips, depending on the model, they'll save that ride you've been waiting months for, without looking like you've just stepped out of a DIY shop...
Medium bolt kit :
This kit is designed for more experienced DIY enthusiasts who don't spend all their time in the garage, but still like to 'do mechanics' from time to time. People who do their own servicing, for example.
Thanks to the hundred or so parts that make up this kit, you'll be able to replace many screws that have been damaged or lost during dismantling and reassembly.