Oversize brake disc for mounting on Supermoto bikes KAWASAKI :
KX250 F / KX250F / KX 250F | 2006 - 2014 |
KX450 F / KX450F / KX 450F | 2006 - 2014 |
You have always dreamed of taking on the role of Van Den Bosch or one of the Chambon brothers, and now you have decided to take the plunge and transform your trail or enduro bike into a real sliding beast.
You have already fitted the rims and the basics, but now the braking is a bit poor and trajectories are often missed...
This is normal! The original disc is now undersized for the use you are going to make of it.
Supermoto bikes put more strain on the brakes. Braking is harder, speeds are higher, and your current disc is no longer big enough or durable enough.
So if you want to be able to apply huge brakes and keep on going crazy without the risk of gardening in the first gravel bucket you come across, AVDB offers you these large-diameter brake discs, namely 320mm.
Made from steel for the track and aluminium for the centre, they will be your best allies in your hunt for the fastest time and the greatest slide.
A few tips:
-> Always remember to replace your brake pads with new ones, of a quality much more in keeping with your new riding style. The off-road pads you've been using up to now should be avoided.
-> Don't forget to have your suspension overhauled, as it's likely to be too soft for this type of riding.
This Oversize disc offers concentrated performance at a low price!