JACK triangular neoprene Foam Seat. Several thicknesses are available, 15 and 20mm.
The Foam is supplied with adhesive, so the product is ready to use, directly to stick on your racing fairing previously degreased.
We offer Foam Seats, available in 3 different shapes, to suit all the racing fairings and motorcycles.
Don’t worry, the inspiration of the Foam Seats names comes from the Moto GP, and not an American Whiskey.
We also offer you a Seat backrest / bumper option, useful to maintain you during high accelerations.
A bit of comfort despite everything, without the discomfort of tinkering. You have spent many months getting your bike ready for the racing season, sleepless nights to rebuild your engine, numerous trips to adjust your suspensions.
Now that your bike is almost ready, "just" take a few minutes to ask yourself the right questions and choose the right Foam Seat that will suit your backside. Take into consideration your size, but also the available space on your racing fairing, and ahead to order !