Universal fork seal installation tool kit

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Fork o-ring seal assembly tool kit


  • Kit comprising: 1 tool, 6 sets of bushes
  • 6 different bushing diameters (from 40 to 50mm) to suit as many forks as possible
  • Supplied in a case for easy, clean storage
  • Hard plastic bushes to avoid damaging the seals
  • For installation only
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empre più spesso si armeggia con le moto, quando tecnicamente è ancora possibile farlo senza rivolgersi a un professionista.

Tuttavia, spesso sono necessari strumenti speciali per evitare di rimanere bloccati per ore in un'operazione che normalmente richiederebbe pochi minuti.

Per semplificare le tue operazioni di manutenzione e riparazione, AVDB ti propone una gamma di piccoli e pratici utensili, che si tratti di svuotare le forcelle, spurgare il liquido dei freni o smontare/rimontare il coperchio della frizione, ecc.

Non ci saranno più scuse per non andare alla cena di famiglia dai suoceri solo perché il cambio dell'olio sta richiedendo più tempo del previsto!


More and more of you are tinkering with your machines, when technically it's still possible to do so without going to a professional.

Even so, you often need special tools to avoid getting stuck for hours on an operation that would normally take a few minutes.

To simplify your maintenance and repair operations, AVDB offers you a range of small, practical tools, whether for draining your forks, bleeding your brake fluid or disassembling/reassembling your clutch cover, etc.

You'll have no more excuses for not going to the family dinner at Mother-in-Law's just because your oil change is taking longer than expected!

Your bike hasn't been running for a while, and one day you find a puddle under the fork?

It's probably just one of the seals that has decided not to go any further. Age and constant pressure have made it realise that it's time to stop!

And before the oil goes to lubricate your braking system, it's time to make way for the youngsters!

But while replacing an o-ring seal isn't very complicated in itself, it does require some know-how and, above all, the right equipment for the job! 

The seal is often in an inaccessible place, and although removing it isn't the most complicated part (all things considered...), putting it back in place can be much more, especially as it's better to avoid damaging the new one!

So, DIY enthusiasts, forget the screwdriver, the pin driver or any other fine tool you might have at hand! Because while damaging the new gasket would be the lesser evil, a bad blow to the tube or the sleeve would make the bill soar!

To help you avoid these problems, AVDB offers you this fork seal assembly kit. Comprising the tool and 6 sets of rings of different diameters, you'll now be able to do things properly. 

Your wallet and your schedule will thank you!


Important : As already stated, any work on the fork requires knowledge and expertise. This part of the chassis is a safety component. So if you don't feel it, call in a professional!



  1. You have a doubt ? You need more informations about the item ? Do not hesitate to contact us by email, we will answer in English within 24 hours.
  2. The item is available in stock. Otherwise you can not buy it. We ship the box from France within 24 hours after we receive your order. No taxes to pay at delivery if you live in E-U.
  3. Free shipping for your order if it is more or equal to 100 €.

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